What's Online Styling?
Live outside of London but still want to take advantage of my styling expertise? Have no fear my advanced online styling service is here....

5 reasons why I’m happy just the way I am…
I love movies. And like all movie lovers around the world I memorise film scripts line-by-line. So, when I first saw Bridget Jones’ Diary...

How to dress for the beginning of autumn...
One of the trickiest times of the year to dress for is the transition from high summer to autumn. It can leave you wondering what the...

Shame has no size...
A few weeks ago I met some wonderful women at my body confidence workshop in collaboration with Anti-Diet Riot Squad. One of whom was the...

Pack like a Pro!
Love going on holiday, hate packing? I feel you. As I’m sure you’ve seen (if you follow me on Social Media), I have been in Ibiza and...

Body Shape Guide
Right, so this has been a problem for as long as I can remember, and even when I speak to my mum or her friends, they say they still...

My interview with Ferris Heart Sloane
Not sure if you know this, but I actually have experience styling brides and bridesmaids for weddings. I help brides-to-be find their...

What to wear when you’re bloated…
I’ve suffered from bloating for as long as I can remember. I always just assumed It was due to my period and my Poly-cystic Ovaries, but...

How to make friends and style people
My road to becoming a stylist hasn’t been linear to say the least, and I often get asked how it all happened. So make yourself a brew,...

No matter what age, shape or size you are - you are beautiful. Want to know why? Because you are you and that’s enough. The media...